The tendency to diagnose and look for ways to suppress or remove such group Members is very high. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV is full of labels that will find a home with these people. The idea that will be identified for this intervention is that the disturber is part of the alchemy of any group and to follow the metaphor a little further, has the potential to transform 'base' material into gold. The individual who disturbs is the one that draws the tendency to shun, exclude, marginalize, and diagnose. The intervention that will be described is how to identify the disturber and how to 'expose' the gold. The disturbers feel included rather than their more usual experience of marginalization, and they gain some experience to convey their thoughts and feelings in a more skillful and effective way. An additional benefit for the whole group is to see the potential within 'shadow' material and to learn about the process of transformation.