This chapter provides an overview of the current state of knowledge of the Middle Elamite period following a three-phase system, introducing new evidence to assist in clarification of the dating. The common Middle Elamite periodization is formed by dividing the rulers of this period into three groups. The first includes five rulers: Kidinu, Tan-Ruhuratir II, Shalla, Inshushinak-shar-ili, and Tepti-ahar. The second group of rulers includes the successors of Igi-halki and is referred to also as the dynasty of Igihalkids. The third concerns the third group of monarchs, known as Shutrukids after their founder Shutruk-Nahhunte I. The synchronism between the Shutrukid kings and Babylonian rulers allow us to determine the absolute chronology of this last phase of theMiddle Elamite period. In the course of the Middle Elamite period, Elam became one of the most important political powers in the region. Its political and economic rise was mirrored by a certain cultural self-confidence.