The ambiguity of the Chinese system increases as various hegemonic social forces, not only the government but also business giants, control, manipulate, and "disambiguate" one thing as another. In their philosophical and anthropological study of Sophocles' Antigone, drawing on theories from scholars like Levi-Strauss, Oudemans and Lardinois have suggested two oppositions and four categories, fusion and fission, and culture and nature, to examine the ambiguity of tragedy. The Ambiguity of gender allows Li to avoid governmental interventions in his career, and LGBTQ communities benefit from his fame, which creates opportunities for queers to show off their differentiated cultural taste and style on mainstream TV programs. Li's ambiguity of gender, genre, and politics is also affected by commercial utilitarianism, which guides him to various social spaces according to the demands of government, market, and industry. Li has touched gender, genre, and politics issues in his music and performances, but only in an imaginary reality of his own.