India and the United States (US) have walked a long way to transform their relationship from estrangement to a new 'strategic partnership' at the regional level as well as on the global stage. The US first became attracted towards India during the waning days of the Cold War due to its new economic policies and developed hopes of tapping the huge potential market of India. American policymakers showered praises on the Indian economic reforms and envisioned a continued expansion of trade and commercial ties between the two countries. Defence trade, military exercises, dual-use technology transfers soon became the major areas of strategic cooperation between the two countries. An important facet of the emerging 'strategic partnership' between the US and India is intelligence and counterterrorism cooperation. The 26/11 attacks in Mumbai reinforced the need for greater Indo-US counterterrorism cooperation and the impact was accentuated as foreigners, including Americans, were killed in the attacks.