This chapter presents co-benefits derived from the growing practice of communitybased solid waste management (CBSWM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Based on field surveys and technical simulations, this research argues that CBSWM, particularly those integrating the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) scheme, is a promising approach to effectively and efficiently reduce the amount of inputs to waste processing systems, thus contributing to reduce the impact of urban waste on global warming. A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of Yogyakarta municipal solid waste is performed using secondary data and surveys of primary sources. The simulation of CO2 emissions according to these three scenarios was used to examine the significance of CBSWM in reducing the burden of waste treatment and the negative impacts of waste to greenhouse effects. Besides reductions in CO2 emissions, the existence of CBSWM can give rise to economic, health and social benefits, which can be enjoyed by local communities.