This chapter describes the complicated topic of psychopharmacological and somatic therapy treatment modalities. Effective, evidence-based treatments exist, and these include both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. Treatment recommendations for both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment depend on the following factors: nature of the mental health disorder; the severity of symptoms; a woman's previous response to treatment. For women with mild to moderate symptoms of depression/anxiety disorders, non-pharmacological treatments are recommended before pharmacological treatment. There are many treatment barriers to women with perinatal mental health disorders who attempt to seek help. There are many approaches to treatment for perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. The standard approach would be to match treatment intensity to the severity of mood or anxiety symptoms. Basic treatments include psycho-education and self-care, followed by psychotherapies, then consideration for pharmacological treatment. Individual psychotherapy is a crucial component in prevention, treatment and recovery from perinatal mood disorders.