This chapter looks at US policy toward Egypt from the collapse of the Hosni Mubarak regime with the events of January and February 2011; through the Muslim Brotherhood regime and its overthrow by military coup in July 2013; to the rise of the regime headed by General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. Since 1979, for close to four decades, Egypt has been considered one of the main pillars of US foreign policy in the Middle East, alongside Saudi Arabia. The Barack Obama administration sought to establish relations with the Arab world that would be built on trust and openness. Muhammad Morsi addressed the populace directly in a speech in which he admitted his mistakes and his failures, but refused to bow to the army's ultimatum. On July 8, 2014 Israel launched campaign in Gaza, operation "Protective Edge". The United States continued negotiations with actors in the Middle East who were obviously unacceptable to both Israel and Egypt.