In author's study, 'The mirror of Medusa', 1983, Tobin Siebers has identified the importance of two elements, that is, the rivalry between Athena and the Gorgon, and the mirror motif. Thus, in the Aeneid II, she expresses her wrath by making flames shoot forth from her eyes. These observations are intended to show that Athena and Medusa are the two indissociable aspects of the same sacred power. However, when considered in terms of archetypal structures, Medusa's mask still retains its secret. The cycle of the monster and the god, the Gorgon and the sun, and the emptiness and the idol this closed circuit guarded by Medusa's head by virtue of its ambiguity can be broken. The Hippocrene was the spring which gushed forth when struck by Pegasus hoof and is the place where the Muses gather. Therefore, the poet quenches his thirst with water that is like the very blood of Medusa, the true mother of the Muses.