Jaipur city provides an interesting case study to investigate the impact of mass transit projects. In recent years, Jaipur city has developed rapidly and the present haphazard transport system is under pressure from industrial development, population growth and rapid commercialization. Jaipur, the 'sonata in pink', land of colours and festivals, where beauty and ancient art blend fabulously, is the capital of the largest state, Rajasthan, which is located in northern India. Jaipur city is one of the fastest growing cites in India and is a key destination for investment into the ongoing infrastructure development like the major roads with flyovers and railway over-bridges. The investigation into the Jaipur transport project found that it significantly improved the accessibility to work and to facilities for households and business employees. The new infrastructure network brought substantive transport benefits and injected commercial vigour into stalled projects, such as the JMRC headquarters, and helped to regenerate brownfield sites.