I must admit, I am somewhat of a contrarian. One of the greatest motivations for me is to refute some dominant idea. At worst, a contrarian could be considered someone who cares not about ideas themselves, but only their cultural dominance. I prefer to consider this proclivity as providing a valuable service: by being critical of the dominant, I provide greater balance and diversity in the world of thought. As an artist, I believe my role in cultural production is the exploration of what art is and what it could be. Art is, at least partially, a process of articulating and transforming what art is. This text is an articulation of the key themes that structure and inform my art-as-research (Busch, 2009) practice:

1 the framing of art as exploratory, rather than expressive; 2 an explicit articulation of knowledge-making at the intersection of

science and art; and 3 an emphasis on processes of representation and meaning – how a

representation holds content – which is considered philosophically and cognitively.