This chapter explores gendered nature of the causes of and responses to climatic events around the world and thus, taking human-induced climate change and increasing climate-related natural disasters as a backdrop. It argues feminists have long demonstrated progressive environmental politics is not free of hegemonic masculinity and masculinism. In light of the increasing evidence about global warming, disaster risk reduction must address the social and human causes of climate change. Alston argues that many environmental disasters are caused primarily by climate change and Neumayer and Plmper maintain that nature is never the sole cause of "natural" disasters, as disasters are shaped by social, economic and cultural relations. Cornall refers to masculine mind-set as "the dominator model", which he regards as the cause of environmental problems and ecological disasters. While Kaijser and Kronsell argue that there has been very little engagement with the intersectionality literature from within environmental studies, this analysis has been applied to disasters and to climate change.