The two primary facets of state-based planning systems – strategic planning (e.g. strategic metropolitan plans or state planning strategies) and statutory planning (e.g. town planning or local planning schemes and development assessment policies) – are in a constant state of evolution within Australia (Gleeson and Low, 2000; Hamnett and Freestone, 2000). This is of course, also true of national, regional or local planning systems in other jurisdictions (Albrechts, 2004, 2006; Allmendinger and Tewdwr-Jones, 2009; Lord and Hincks, 2010; Servillo and Van Den Broeck, 2012). Ultimately, it is still arguably the case that most formal changes to the institutional structure, policy framework and procedural processes in planning systems are incrementalist in nature (Lindblom, 1959, 1979).