The migration of US-American radical feminism to Italy took place as a result of several Italian feminists having the opportunity to spend time in the US and bring back feminist materials that they subsequently translated into Italian. This chapter analyses one of those works, Donne è bello, a volume comprising a selection of translated essays from different sources and published in 1972 by the Milanese collective Anabasi. The chapter focuses on one of the texts published in Donne è bello titled "Un programma per le femministe: prender coscienza". The chapter also focuses on the function of a specific translation and aims to reveal how, in the case of Donne è bello, that function governs the selection of source texts and their assemblage and translation. It assesses Donne è bello's reception in Italy through my interviews with former members of the Anabasi collective and published reviews of the book, which compensates for the scarcity of information available about the Anabasi collective.