This chapter discusses three modern food movements, including the buy local, foodie, and sustainable consumption movements. It discusses the values and characteristics of each, in addition to the current food-related demand motives and desired product attributes, such as local, grass-fed, fair-trade, and organic. The chapter explores the rationale behind the rise of these movements—including the phases of food-demand development and the historical changes in agricultural production, food processing, and consumption. It also describes how modern food movements motivate tourist demand for food-based vacations and foodie destinations. The first of the food movements—the "Buy Local" or "Locavore" movement—emphasizes purchasing food grown and/or processed close to home. The second movement is the "foodie" movement, defined by foodies, individuals who wish to experience and enjoy food but do not work in the food industry. The last of the three modern food movements is the sustainable consumption movement, defined by individuals with strong health and environmental concerns that motivate their food choices.