The Great Roe', Woody Allen tells us, 'is a mythological beast with the head of a lion and the body of a lion, though not the same lion'. In the Great Roe, the fictional and the real combine into a seamless composite. The Great Roe, though, embodies a strange and absurd condition where the opposite conditions of fiction and reality are contained within the same physical entity. One does not undo the other. Like a mythical beast, architecture emerges from the psycho-cultural landscape of its social, political, and economic circumstances. Its body may be an exquisite corpse of (biologically impossible) architectural limbs, torsos, heads, and tails, yet it is animated, active, and alive like Frankenstein's monster. Digital culture has changed the relationship we now have to images; both how we consume them and how we make them. At the same time digital tools can allow us to engage in the surface of the image with incredible precision.