Issues of linkage to services for returning prisoners and inmates have been in the forefront of re-entry programming for more than a decade now. With the development of the ‘risk-need-responsivity’ (RNR) model (Andrews & Bonta, 2010; Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2005), it has become important to identify the types of services needed, rather than just throwing services at re-entering individual. In the narrower discussion of inmate/prisoner re-entry (from incarceration to the community) the focus is generally on criminogenic risk reduction. Within those criminogenic needs are a range of social service needs that, while perhaps not in themselves criminogenic (Andrews & Bonta, 2010), support the reduction of criminogenic risk. These social services include housing, job preparation and placement, education/training, and so forth. Physical health and behavioral health services may also play a role in the lives of returning persons, as many health conditions are found in disproportionate levels among jail and prison populations. In a broader discussion of re-entry, whether social/health services dominate the conversation is an open question.