In 2014-15, I completed my 30th year as a university professor and my 30th year as a researcher in the field of economic education for children. I owe much of my success as an economic educator and researcher to two individuals-Marilyn L. Kourilsky, author of the well-known Mini-Society instructional system for teaching economics in grades 4-8, and Merlin C. Wittrock, father of generative teaching-learning theory. They served as co-major professors for my doctoral work at UCLA and have had a lasting impact on my life and work. That work has always focused on the enhancement of economic literacy-through the application of generative learning theory to the teaching of microeconomic concepts, through the integration of works of art as content vehicles for teaching about economic concepts and financial literacy topics/issues, and through teaching for social/ financial justice with and through the arts. The purpose of this chapter is to share how my research evolved and what I have learned about teaching economics through the arts over the past 30 years.