Clinical pharmacy emerged out of the growth of the modern American hospital in the 1920s. Although American hospital pharmacy dates back to Jonathan Roberts, John Morgan, and the founding of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia in 1751, modern hospitals, and subsequently clinical pharmacy, began in the 1920s. Hospital pharmacists, who were a minority in their own profession, often were marginalized by their more numerous community pharmacy colleagues. Led by visionaries and activists, including Harvey A. K. Whitney, Donald Francke, and others, hospital pharmacists pioneered the idea of clinical pharmacy that would come to dominate the pharmacy profession by the end of the twentieth century. From the clinical pharmacy movement, the concepts of pharmaceutical care and MTM are now the guiding forces of twenty first century pharmacy practice. Medication therapy management is a distinct service or group of services that optimize therapeutic outcomes for individual patients. Medication therapy management services are independent but can occur in conjunction with, the provision of medication product.