This chapter explores several theories of adult education and relate them to two core concepts from transactional analysis: ego-states and scripts. In JanGrant's ground-breaking book, Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy, presents his three-ego-state model: Parent, Adult and Child. He talks of the Parent and Child ego-states as having an archaic quality, and the Adult ego-state as processing what is happening in the immediate situation. He also mentions different aspects of the Child ego-state, describing them as the natural and the adapted states. Transactional analysis is a wonderful model for educators working both with children and adolescents, and adult educators. The first more recent theory he want to introduce is the functional fluency model devised by Susannah Temple. An effective educator has what Temple calls functional fluency, which she defines as the behavioural manifestations of the integrating Adult ego-state. She applies this to the modes of behaviour used by educators as they help people to learn.