This chapter discusses, from the writer's experience, how the concept of therapeutic operations can be used as tools by educators to achieve effectiveness. The theory and practice of educational transactional analysis is rooted in the transactional analysis (TA) theory of personality, psychopathology and psychotherapy. TA educators are trained transactional analysts who strive to apply TA theory for educational purposes. Many aspects of TA theory have tremendous potential to be applied in educational practice. The eight therapeutic operations in their 'logical' order, developed for work with clients, are interrogation, specification, confrontation, explanation, illustration, confirmation, interpretation and crystallization. Berne classifies them into interventions and interpositions. TA psychotherapy is cognitive and behavioural, and brings about healing by undoing the faulty learning and replacing it with better learning. Script cure may be understood as the practice of new learning with ownership. Educational operations are useful tools for application in the fields of TA as educational and organizational settings.