This chapter discusses sub-Saharan Africa for analysis because of its rich mineral deposits, primary agricultural products and huge population size that have opened up the enclave to global influences and domination, including the activities of global advertisers and advertising agencies. It clarifies concepts such as advertising, globalisation and consumers characteristics in sub-Saharan Africa. The American culture, for instance, is not entirely American, but an amalgam of sub-groups, races and classes drawn from within and outside extinct and extant American society. Knobel and Lankshear noted that 'No remix, no culture', which means that there are no monolithic, or stand-alone cultures. Therefore, hybridisation of advertising seems a more attractive paradigm because it allows sub-Saharan Africa to adapt its rich and diverse cultures to global influences. In the Nigerian case, the Royal Niger Company (RNC), incorporated the first advertising agency in Britain on 13 August 1928, called West African Publicity Limited, headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria.