A poet's readers become first and foremost re-tweeters, with every additional re-tweet helping to maintain the overarching advertising dominance of Twitter over other communication platforms. Twitter, the company, effectively transforms quips, whether inconsequential or noble, into recurring profit generators, because strangers are willing to pay to watch the show scroll by them. Twitter becomes a mass media product that can be mined for its inadvertent gems of discovered quips that can be turned into art. Tweets both generate and become repurposed textual objects that can be further transformed into poetry with the right acts of reframing. A tweet is to a retweet like a found object is to a frame. And for both Leidner and modernism, art is all about the frame. According to Twitter's Terms of Service (TOS), by signing up and using Twitter, tweeters agree that the company now corporation may place such advertising on the Services or in connection with the display of Content.