The recent Europe-wide territorial cohesion’s consultations renewed attention towards

urban-rural relationships as a policy option. The aim of the article is to explore the

concept of urban-rural interactions and provide insight to policies and practises with rel-

evance to urban-rural linkages based on the example of Latvia. The article is based on a

review of literature and relevant policy documents, and on the statements of the inter-

viewed Latvian planners and experts at national level institutions and local municipalities.

The understanding of urban-rural relations depends upon the context of how urban/rural

places, and their population and activities are framed and regulated in each society and

policy regime. The development of Latvia’s urban-rural interactions is influenced by

the country’s turbulent history and long dependency periods. After the re-establishing

of the independence in 1991, the development of Latvian national spatial and regional

policy had been influenced by the European and the Baltic Sea Region spatial policy