This chapter displays providers an overview of challenges posed by the mental health needs of veterans and assists them in their development of military cultural competence. It summarizes their "signature" and comorbid mental health concerns and addresses stressors and mental health concerns within the context of practice. Military service is characterized by separations, transitions, and reunions. It experiences can also be considered within the context of resilience, risk factors, and protective factors. Serious mental health issues facing military veterans and their families are the increasing rate and chronicity of substance abuse and the increasing rate of suicide and suicidal ideation among postcombat deployed service members. The chapter discusses veterans receive care, veteran mental health care, and community-based mental health care. It considers policy issues and considerations that address challenges (e.g. health disparities and barriers) to supporting the mental health of veterans within community settings and how these challenges are being addressed (e.g. the promotion of health equity and facilitators).