World trade over the past couple of decades has proven to be very dynamic. The economies of many developing countries have grown, while the economies of most developed countries have been stagnant or witnessed only sluggish growth. Over time, the world’s maritime transport network will continue to adapt itself to these changes. The foreseen increase of trade between the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) countries and the rest of the world, is an example of a trend that will stimulate and promote the emergence of new shipping lines in the world’s shipping network. New direct connections might emerge in response to this trend, and existing routes might be adapted. The global maritime shipping network evolves over time to keep providing adequate sea transport services for the growing demand between these developing countries and the rest of the world. Insight into how trends and developments such as the growth in demand for shipping between the BRICS countries and the rest of the world will influence or shape the future global maritime shipping network is therefore highly valuable.