NOURISH Yoga Workshops can be adapted to a variety of locations and circumstances. Engaging in yoga, mindfulness, and meditation exercises guides people inward and helps them listen to their feelings. Yoga teachers should make sure that participants who are currently in treatment for addictions or eating disorders provide clearance from their medical treatment team prior to participating in yoga or meditation practices. Rather than only engaging in physical yoga asana practices, the author encourage instructors to create relaxed, Eight-Limbs-based practices, which enhance mindfulness and other healthy coping skills. Practicing Satya means being truthful in our feelings, thoughts, words, and deeds. It means being honest with ourselves and with others. The last of the Yamas is Aparagraha which translates as non-possessiveness, non-attachment, or self-reliance. Brahmacharya reminds us that our life force is both limited and precious. In yoga, the art of breathing is called 'prah-na-yama' which means 'life-force-lengthening'. Breathing itself is an act of yoga uniting our bodies, minds and spirits.