This chapter concerns the relation between buildings, facilities and services and the health and safety (H&S) of people. The relationship with health regards the prevention and reduction of work fatigue, occupational stress, burnout, and health problems such as headaches, migraine, irritation of eyes, nose or throat, increased levels of blood pressure, getting a cold, or worse diseases. Input factors include a well-considered HRM policy and providing a healthy indoor environment that supports thermal comfort, healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) without chemical and biological agents, sound lighting and acoustics, ergonomic furniture to support physical comfort and to prevent CANS (complaints of the arm, neck and/or shoulder), and avoiding hazardous materials, harmful substances and radiation. Safety regards the prevention or reduction of accidents that may hurt, damage, or even kill people, and also the prevention or reduction of theft, burglary, violent behaviour, and fraud. H&S are relevant values by themselves, but are also related to other values such as productivity, employee satisfaction, Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, profi tability and risk.