The United States (US) white settler, neo-colonial corporate state became even more economically constrained after the collapse of Wall Street in 2008 US Empire has been built on illusory notions of race, which have served to divide, segregate, and devalue ethnically/ racially diverse people, creating murder and brutal havoc for non-whites and other ethnic groups. Ta-Nehisi Coates, in his 2014 memoir to his 15-year-old son, argues that race and institutionalized racism are implicit products of US "democracy," the origins of which come out of slavery. Statistics for the US economic condition are stark: "Half of all public school children live in near poverty". What are the US Commons? These Commons are the cultural and natural public resources and spaces accessible free for all people in our society. Teachers and parents need to critically question the long-term implications of the un-checked impact on the Commons, our public sphere, and particularly public schooling, by venture philanthropists.