This chapter examines that, the primary source for data on the demography of Xinjiang is the Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook. The Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook constitutes an invaluable resource for the analysis of regional variations in Xinjiang's overall demographic pattern. The provincial government of Xinjiang made a population survey. Xinjiang's population is concentrated in particular areas due to the prevalence of deserts and mountains. The population landscape of Xinjiang has been changed with the implementation of official settlement policies promoted by the government in Beijing. The highest population densities in Xinjiang are recorded in Kashgar, Yining, and the central cities of Korla, Kuitun, Shihezi, and Urumchi. The ethnic distribution of Xinjiang's population is configured along a north-south divide Uyghurs predominate numerically in the south. Production in Xinjiang is highly regionalized. With the recent relaxation of China's migration policies, Han migrants to Xinjiang have gained the opportunity to vote with their feet.