For the lone voice crying in the wilderness, retro represents a revolutionary turn in marketing thought, a harbinger for change, and the opportunity to apply a new twist on old ideas. Indeed, the current vogue for retro has been described as part of the nostalgia craze for bringing history into an historical present. A fundamental feature of retro is that, like nostalgia, it selects aspects from the past, always positive, and mixes them with the modern to create a new hybrid form that appeals to contemporary expectations. The Retro Revolution has even dared to breach the hitherto sanctuary of the British pub. Women dressed in strapless dresses, net-covered pillbox hats, silk stockings, and high platform ankle-strap shoes. Clothes rails held layers of garments ranging from full-length velvet and taffeta evening gowns to floral silk, pinched at the waist, day dresses that somehow reflected the faded elegance and sophistication of a bygone era.