This chapter talks about the archbishop of Novgorod, Vasilii Kalika who was wearing a white cowl. He is donating a Uspenie church, which he is symbolically holding in his hands, to the town of Novgorod. The church was destroyed in World War II but now is being restored. The chapter discusses the primary sources, particularly the Novgorodian First Chronicle, a portion of which was composed under Vasilii Kalikas auspices. While we know from that chronicle that Vasilii Kalika did have a nephew named Matvei and that he was among the Novgorodian emissaries to the 1339 treaty with King Magnus Erickson of Sweden, nothing else is known of him. Some of the art work mentioned is still extant, such as the Vasilii Gates, which Ivan the Terrible removed from Novgorod and had hung at Aleksandrovskaia Sloboda. People know Vasilii died at the Monastery of St. Michael the Archangel at the confluence of the Uza and Shelon Rivers while returning from Pskov.