The repressions of the period of the cult of personality are explained in various ways. Some say that it involved eliminating the oppositionists, those who “opposed the line.” “Having been recruited by V. P. Popov, Ivan Demura carried out subversive activities at the trust, interrupted the preparation of freight and demoralized production discipline among the workers, provoked dissatisfaction with Soviet power through anti-Soviet agitation and the spreading of a variety of provocative ideas.” Demura was declared guilty of having been in 1938 a participant in an anti-Soviet right-Trotskyite terrorist organization within the Amurzoloto trust, and of carrying out wrecking activities in the road construction section aimed at disrupting the preparation and dispatch of freight for the mines. The protocol of Fedor Vikulovich Metelkin interrogation at preliminary investigation, where he named Demura as a participant in a counterrevolutionary organization, is attached to Demura’s case.