This approach to meta-analysis is somewhat different than the one in Chapter 25. It focused on gender differences in managerial motivation and was published in The Leadership Quarterl-y (Eagly, Karau, Miner, and Johnson 1994). This analysis was an outgrowth of a symposium presented at the Eastern Psychological Association in which Alice Eagly and I were involved. As our mutual project evolved, my role became primarily one of locating data sources for the meta-analysis. Many of these represented already published materials, but almost as many data sets were of a previously unpublished nature. The three others (Eagly, Karau, and Johnson) devoted their energies to the meta-analysis itself, and to the writing up of the results. Thus there was considerable similarity to Chapter 25 in that the actual analysis and presentation of the findings relied heavily on my research, but was carried out in large part independently of my own efforts. Certainly my input was important to the final product, but the other three, and in particular Alice, were much more knowledgeable about the procedures of meta-analysis and the literature on gender effects.