For more than half a century geographical education has been engaged with tackling questions about individual perceptions of space. Particularly since the 1990s this interest has increased significantly within geographical education, and importantly in geography in primary education. The studies undertaken in this area can be divided into five different subgroups (Schmeinck 2007, 2010):

. Studies which focus on the cartographic knowledge of pupils, e.g. Brucker (1980), Oeser (1987), Wastl (2000), Livni and Bar (2001) and Umek (2003). These

†The paper presents results of a study published by the Julius Klinkhardt publishing house under the title ‘Wie Kinder die Welt sehen. Eine empirische Ländervergleichststudie zur räumlichen Vorstellung von Grundschulkindern’, as well as of the COMENIUS 2.1 Project: ‘The Implementation of a European Dimension by Peer Learning in Primary School (E-PLIPS)’. Grant Agreement number: 128766CP-1-2006-1-DE-Comenius-C21.