This chapter evaluates the military forces in a general framework and, more specifically, conventional forces. The military balance in Central Europe is of particular significance because of the Mutual Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks going on between NATO and Warsaw Pact nations. The forces of both the United States and the Soviet Union are deployed in Europe to protect their national interests and this is quite natural and understandable. The chapter deals with nuclear forces. The general framework on nuclear problems to be considered, the two main families of these weapons: strategic and tactical nuclear weapons. Intermediate Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs) were deployed in Great Britain, Italy and Turkey and the so-called 'tactical nuclear weapons' were stockpiled in Europe. It has to be considered that the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe has a limited deterrent effect, if any, on the Soviet Union, which is not threatened by the tactical nuclear weapons because these are not aimed at its territory.