This chapter explores how the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) could be effectively used to complement the EU's regional interests in Asia. It considers the regional challenges that undermine the development of a coherent European Security Strategy (ESS) in Asia. The chapter examines what role the CSDP plays within the EU's current regional strategy. The EU is aware of Asia's forthcoming significance as an economic and political hub of the international community. The chapter explores some potential deployment options including civilian-monitoring missions and cross-border crisis management. It undertakes a case study analysis of the Aceh-Monitoring Mission (AMM) the only EU-mandated security mission deployed in Asia. The EU's primary security considers that the regional stability to be the avoidance of conflict, maintained by a collective respect for international law and sovereign territory. The AMM demonstrated the practical utility of the CSDP as a relevant instrument of EU strategy in Asia.