This chapter explains the concept of integrated therapy (IT) and refers to any practice involving more than one model of therapy. Some would say that processes and styles may vary, but essentially all therapeutic relationships are similar, being about the giving of time, space and therapeutic attention to a client for a period of professionalized' time. Statutory regulation (SR) was frequently proposed for the psychological therapies, while voluntary regulation (VR) remained the Government's preferred choice for the complementary therapies. Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) took over psychology first, with the dominant British Psychological Society (BPS) acquiescing without so much as a whimper. The 2010 General Election brought a coalition Government with both the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties espousing light tough regulation generally, including for the therapy field. NICE appears superficially benign and helpful, but the practical application is notoriously biased towards drug treatment and the use of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based psychological therapies.