This chapter focuses on modafinil and discusses its actions on neurotransmitters in the brain and the neuromodulation of different forms of cognition. It discusses the evidence for modafinil as a cognitive-enhancing drug. The chapter also discusses the three main reasons for its increasing lifestyle use by healthy people. These are: gain the competitive edge or superiority over others at school, university, or work; counteract the effects of jet lag, lack of sleep, or shift work; and enhance motivation for tasks that are perceived by the user as not especially interesting or attractive to complete. The chapter also focuses on some of the neuroethical issues in regard to the use of cognitive-enhancing drugs by healthy people. Fairness is one of the most important considerations in the ethics of pharmacological cognitive enhancement, and it encompasses a number of specific issues. Explicit coercion takes the form of rules, pressure, threats, or instructions expressly given with the intention of shaping behavior.