This chapter suggests an understanding of postsuburbanization as a process of intraregional differentiation that is based on a suburban, socio-spatial, economic, and political increased significance. It explores the notion of technical infrastructures and postsuburbanization before it proposes an analytic framework for the analysis of any given technical infrastructure system in an urban context. It also highlights the development of public transit provision in Toronto before using the case study of Transit City to illustrate the relationship of postsuburban dynamics and public transit and to point out the distinct characteristics of the politics of mobility in a postsuburban context. The chapter presents an analytic framework that allows to discuss a variety of techno-urban development paths, independent from the actual technical infrastructure system. The analysis of public transit in Toronto has advanced an understanding of the variety and multidimensionality of contemporary urban development in the context of postsuburbanization and the multiplicity of places of flows within modern city spaces.