The notion of the truth-maker may be traced right back to Aristotle. Aristotle's remarks were noted by a number of leading Scholastic philosophers, but the notion seems aft er this to have gone underground for some centuries, although intimations of it may be found here and there. The notion is present in Russell's thought, and in his later philosophizing he introduced a term for the notion, the somewhat unfortunate word verifier. The idea of a truth-maker for a particular truth, in virtue of which that truth is true. The relation, I think, is a cross-categorial one, one term being an entity or entities in the world, the other being a truth. Turning first to Necessitarianism, the first thing to notice is that the necessitation cannot be any form of entailment. Truth-maker theorists have so far paid little attention to the other term of the relation: the truths that truth-makers make true.