This chapter provides an overview of literature on racialized women's experience with intimate partner abuse (IPA) in their intimate heterosexual relationships. The theoretical underpinnings of Critical Race Feminism (CRF) is introduced as a theory that is useful in better informing and deepening understanding around the experiences of racialized women. The chapter also examines the overlap between racialized women's victimization and criminality. According to West, the higher reporting rates of victimization among racialized women suggested that they were at greater risk for nonfatal and lethal IPA as they were more economically and socially disadvantaged than their White counterparts. Feminist theorists and feminist criminologists have drawn greater attention to the unique experiences of girls and women by focusing on the relationship between gender inequality and criminality. Finally, the chapter concludes by highlighting the relevancy and use of CRF in to the area of victimology.