This chapter provides declaration of two no-go zones for critique, that nobody is against parental support or help, and nobody is against neuroscience. The chapter discusses and engages with Ray Brassier's attempt to merge Wilfrid Sellars' critical realism with Thomas Metzinger's neuro-philosophical approach to the Self in order to re-mount a philosophical critique compatible with today's neurosciences. Then, it will mount a critique against this and engage with a specific psychoanalytic approach to subjectivity, reductionism and hence eventually, to critique. Typical neuroscientific experiment concludes, after having discussed brain areas, neurotransmitters and other neurological factors, with a theoretical-psychological speculation about the observed results. It is psychology that is mapped onto the brain, it is psychology that provides the pencils with which the brain is colored. This humanist/psychological filling-in of the fact-objects of neuroscience remains as a rule obscured.