This chapter looks at three dimensions of how permaculture has helped to reshape community in three different projects in Zimbabwe. These three projects are: Kufunda Village in Ruwa, Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Community Trust, and the Participatory Organic Research Extension and Training Trust. These three permaculture projects were selected for the ways in which they specifically and explicitly demonstrate how permaculture can cultivate transformations in communities in ways that relate to expanding, reordering, and connecting communities in a globalizing world. Permaculture is one approach to sustainability that is deployed by some sustainable agriculture projects and can be characterized as “a global movement with many local actualizations.” The projects articulate a discourse of sustainability that shapes an understanding of environment—society relations as intertwined or co-produced, as socionatures. The chapter offers an insight into how a narrative around sustainability, promoted through a globalized literature and network around permaculture, has become actualized in the Zimbabwean context.