Object relations theory as applied to art therapy is but a method to seek out and organize an array of different impressions coming from many levels of awareness. Together, they offer opportunities for the creative use of one's personal resources in responding to therapeutic communications. An art experience seems to be an ideal form in which to understand the complicated interconnections of creativity development, object relations pathology, and treatment technique. The nonverbal image captures the inexplicable essences of our past relationships, at the same time that it gives them shape and meaning. As art therapists, our skills in integrating all this offer a special and powerful dimension to a therapeutic team. Our challenge is one of utilizing these concepts from psychiatry and psychoanalysis, while maintaining the visions and perceptions we have as artists. Within this perspective, verbal and nonverbal behavior coalesce into a mind/body whole as we, as artists and therapists, give recognition to our respect for continuity and individuation.