The 11th FYP (2006-2010) was the first to do so, and it was also during this time that ideas on ecological modernization were beginning to influence Chinese policy-makers. In the year 2007, three key inter-related events reflected new development thinking in China: the Chinese Academy of Sciences published its inaugural China Modernization Report 2007: Study on Ecological Modernization and the government launched its first National Climate Change Strategy as well as its Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy, also the first of its kind and that introduced a substantive strategic industry development programme for renewables. The convergence of ecological modernization and strategic industry thinking was even more clearly evident in the overarching aims of the current 12th FYP (2011-2015). As well as aiming to achieve more equitable income growth, promote domestic consumption, improve social infrastructures and strengthen China’s innovatory capabilities, a prime focus of the 12th FYP was to promote lower carbon development (NDRC 2011). The stronger ecological modernization approach to China’s future development was re-affirmed at the 18th Party Congress held in November 2012 when Hu Jintao announced the goal of building an ‘ecological civilization’ and ‘achieve lasting and sustainable development of the Chinese nation’ (address to the 18th Party Congress, 8 November 2012).