In one of the most inuential documents on public-private partnerships (PPPs) in education from the past decade, Patrinos, Barrera Osorio, and Guáqueta begin their argument with the assumption that, while “the public sector remains an important player in providing education services … making high-quality education accessible for all in developing countries requires innovative programs and initiatives in addition to public resources and leadership” (Patrinos et al. 2009: 1), implying a commonsensical need for the State to partner with the private sector. e main goal of these partnerships, thus, is “to maximize the potential for expanding equitable access to schooling and for improving education outcomes, especially for marginalized groups” (Patrinos et al. 2009: 9). In order to understand the role and ecacy of PPPs in education, the World Bank review proposes to examine “PPPs in which the government guides policy and provides nancing while the private sector delivers education services to students” (Patrinos et al. 2009: 1).