This chapter addresses critical leadership as a foundation to develop students and staff through Distributed Relational Leadership (DRL). Higher education leaders will be introduced to strategies, approaches, and procedures to apply critical leadership to their practice. Through the infusion of two doctoral dissertations, readers will know how to create a transformational atmosphere to develop students and staff as critical leaders. Resources such as cultural centers create safe space, community, social networks, and other options for underserved students, such as Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) students of color. Underserved students such as LGB students of color, struggling with their sexual and cultural identity, utilize resources such as cultural centers, lesbian gay bisexual transgender (LGBT) centers, and academic support centers to receive support, validation, and acceptance of their identities. Higher educational staff members have the opportunity to utilize Applied Critical Leadership (ACL) to create an environment that empowers underserved and LGB students of color to succeed in a college environment.