This chapter begins with an analysis of the secondary data with respect to the various types of migration: emigration, return migration, and internal migration. It discusses the aspects of the regional redistribution of the population through return migration on the basis of some of the primary survey data. The chapter illustrates the interviews of returnees on the basis of the secondary data according to their place of origin, and it shows in which way structural conditions in these places of origin are determining the individual migration biographies. According to official sources, a total of 296,789 migrants left Greece during the period 1970 to 1977, 58.1 per cent of them migrating to West Germany. During the same period 189,512 migrants returned to Greece, 61.5 per cent coming from West Germany. The data presented in this chapter clearly suggest that the regional structural characteristics of Greece are affecting the biographies of the migrants to a larger extent than the reverse process.