Private practice settings are the goal for most graduates, and are the most common setting nationwide. To be in private practice, a marriage and family therapist must be either licensed, or under direct supervision by qualified supervisor. Salaries can range from six figures down to nothing, a therapist in private practice becomes an entrepreneur and small-business owner. This chapter present an interviews from Idit and Alina; Alonso; Julien; Tequilla; and Katie. Both Idit and Alina also talk with potential referral sources, write blogs, and offer workshops to the community. Both are also qualified hypnotherapists. Idit had this vision from the beginning of her master's program. Alina did as well, commenting, "I always saw myself in a private practice setting; in fact I entered my master's program with the intention of going right into private practice after graduation". Both recommend finding the right clinical supervisor, one who understands the intricacies of private practice, and can advise on ethical and legal considerations.