This chapter examines the contemporary phenomenon in light of three proximate vinyl outlets in Los Angeles that have succeeded against many odds by honing in on that thriving collectors' and hobbyists' market through contrasting yet similar means. This overarching narrative falls within three phases: a brief cultural context will be given for the significance of the revival of vinyl record sales over the past decade. The elements that propel these shops will be discussed, touching upon the value of emotional geographies, the private 'home' dynamic within public space, and interpersonal connection and co-construction thereof. Each of the three stores will be examined and reconnected to this overarching narrative. It addresses and contextualizes the elements, aside from simply consumer interest in vinyl in itself, that make these stores successful and resilient in a still-challenging market. While each store has a unique approach, reiterating the vitality of physicality and place in the contemporary marketing of physical media.